About Us


This is the world of money. It is not for people. It is for those who produce this money, for bankers and financiers, government and millionaires.

Shree Credit Services is not a bank. Shree Credit Services does not collect your money. Shree Credit Services is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. Shree Credit Services is a community where people help each other. Shree Credit Services gives you a technical platform which helps millions of its members worldwide to connect those who NEED help with those who are willing to Provide Donation, for FREE. All funds you transfer to another member represent help you provide of your own good will, absolutely gratis. If you are completely confident and certain of your actions and have made up your mind to join the community, we kindly ask you to carefully study all warnings and instructions first. Should you have any questions regarding the topic, our online consultants are willing to help and answer all of your questions.

Shree Credit Services is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence. In Shree Credit Services you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In Shree Credit Services there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.

The only thing that Shree Credit Services demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.

There is no сentral account, where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from :-)). All the money is only on the banking accounts of the participants themselves! On a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer to each other directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? :-)) In fact, Shree Credit Services only regulates the process — nothing more. So the System completely belongs to people. No kidding! It is a real mutual aid fund where ordinary people help each other.

How does it work technically? You declare the willingness to give help (click in your Personal Office (hereinafter PH) "Provide Donation"), after which your account will be rewarded with Bonus (internal “currency”/scores of the System). Bonus will start growing from the moment of offering the contribution at the rate of 30% per month.
Say you have announced willingness to assist with ₹ 100. You will be rewarded in your PH with ₹ 100. And they will immediately start growing! A month later, these 100 will become ₹130. Accordingly, you will be able to request help for ₹ 130.
However, it is not necessary at all to wait for a month. Help can be requested at any time. But only after confirmation of your fund. What does "after confirmation" mean? It means only after you actually transfer money, i.e. really give assistance to another participant. (But not just declare willingness. :-)) Request for providing help comes to you in your personal office. If you do not do it within 48 hours, you will be removed from the system. (For all eternity. :-)) In cases of any matter regarding the topic our online consultants are ready to help and answer all your questions. Please note that the use of the words 30% a month cannot be considered as a yield or interest rate since the funds were given away, we are not earning anything anywhere (we are a mutual-aid fund), and nobody promises or guarantees to pay it! Read over


First of all. For information. We still live in a slave society. Like we did thousands of years ago. Nothing has changed since then. Except that the chains are economic now. That's the only difference. And for the rest, everything is the same. There are slaves and owners. The owners are the ones who print money. Have you been surprised? :-))
Next. What is money? Nothing! Nihil. A phantom. Emptiness! Just colorful paper, beautifully decorated with all sorts of water marks, emblems and pictures. (Usually the portraits of great men. They look so respectable. :-)) Owners print it in any quantity and when they want to. Money is nothing more than wrap paper. Owners give it to slaves as "pay for work". Doing it, they teach the slaves solemnly that "money must be earned honestly." And the slaves obediently listen to them. We are brainwashed from the cradle with all sorts of books, pamphlets, films, mass media — this whole giant, well-organized and ruthlessly efficient state brainwashing machine. The slaves do not know other things, and they think that the world should work like this and they have no other ways. But, they do!! Together we change the world!
P.S. One more thing. In fact, people don’t need much money. That is not money which is important. It is important that you are AWARE of having it! You know there's a money box, which you can open at any time and take out as much money as you need. That's what is really important! Confidence in the future. Reliability.
Now Shree Credit Services is such a money box. One common box. For everybody. The money box, where millions of people keep their funds. Do you need money? Open and take it. As much as you need. That’s it. A sort of global mutual aid fund. Today you have helped — tomorrow you will be helped! This is the point of the System. Read IDEOLOGY. Before you join. This is very important!

Shree Credit Services is committed to fight against Inflation and Unemployment with ninja technique. What does Shree Credit Services stand for?

Shree Credit Services is a Global Mutual Aid Fund, World people's Bank, Financial Social Network — or any definition whatsoever. The point is not in the title. The bottom line is that this is a voluntary informal association of millions and millions of people throughout the Earth, rebelled against the financial slavery, chose to declare war against the Fed and banks. (And to win this war!!) And for this aim they have consolidated their capital — even though there are small amounts, owing to a great number, that is millions of people, it's already the power. Awesome and invincible power, growing every day! Well how do banks exist? Thanks to bankers? Billionaires? No, due to the same ordinary people who deposit their modest savings there. Shree Credit Services takes the wind out of banks' sails making people see the reality. Why do the people bring their money to the banks at exorbitant interests? Because they have no other choice. Banks are monopolists: there is no other place to bring money to. All banks are just the same, and controlled by the FED. They simply destroy ordinary people.
And now we have an alternative — Shree Credit Services! It’s something close to our hearts! Here people help each other. Today you help and tomorrow you will be helped. It’s the main principle of Shree Credit Services. Do you really want bankers to buy another limousine or house for your money? You should not become another slave. Better join Shree Credit Services and your money will help those who really need it! Poor people, retirees, disabled people…Woman with many children. Love thy neighbour! Help him. It’s a kind of common storage box where people save their money and then take it when needed. The amount you need at a certain moment. (They do not steal but rather take money)!
Actually, people don’t need a lot of money. They need the consciousness that they have. Confidence in tomorrow’s day is what everybody really needs. It is just Shree Credit Services that gives this confidence! It gives a feeling of partnership, that you aren’t alone! At the difficult moment you will never be abandoned but you will always be helped and supported! Shree Credit Services is a unit of new society, brighter and better. New world, where there won’t be money. Current money. Where everything will be otherwise… Fair and honest. Where there won’t be any slaves or owners. Where everybody will work for their own pleasure and for the whole society. Where Good will defeat Evil! It will be so! There are no doubts!!